Massage is the manipulation of soft tissues (muscles, fascia, tendons, etc) to restore and promote tissue health, increase range of motion and encourage relaxation. Techniques are used to specifically target problem areas and help return to its natural state and may include kneading, rolling, stretching and compressing the tissue. Range of motion can be used to narrow down which muscle or tissue is causing pain or discomfort or to help lengthen shortened tissue. The goal of massage is to return the body to its normal functional state.
Massage therapy is performed with the intent of improving conditions and pathologies with the main purpose designed to rehabilitate sports injuries, reduce stress, anxiety and depression, treating specific diseases and conditions, and most importantly, to aide in overall general wellness. Many of today’s health problems can benefit from massage therapy because of the manual manipulation of soft and deep tissue massage that effects so many of our body’s systems, not only on a physical level, but also a spiritual, social, and mental level. It also improves health directly on the muscular, nervous, circulatory, lymphatic, and immune systems, helping to increase activities of daily living. The overall purpose for massage therapy is to help the body heal itself and to increase health and well being.